Wednesday 6 July 2011

UV Damage

     The number one contributing factor for aging skin is the Sun (UV damage). Now I hate to have to tell you this but majority of the damage is done before the age of 18. That doesn’t mean there isn’t anything we can do about it though. It’s not about pushing the stop button on your skins age (this is impossible), it’s about aging gracefully.

     The number one thing I recommend is wear an SPF Daily! Rain, sun, clouds, snow, I don’t care what the weather is like outside, SPF is a must. There are three types of rays UVA (age), UVB (burn), and UVC (these rays do not penetrate the atmosphere’s ozone layer, therefore do not effect the skin).

            UVA are longer rays, therefore penetrate deeper into the dermis. They are responsible for breaking down collagen and elastin, leading to premature aging. It may take years before you see the visible damage of UVA rays. Another thing to mention about UVA is that they penetrate through windows. So when you’re driving be sure that you apply a sunscreen to your ‘driving arm’ as well as your daily SPF on your face, neck and décolleté.   

            UVB are shorter rays that only reach the surface of the skin. They are responsible for most cases of sunburns, although UVA do contribute to sunburns, just at a deeper level. As nice as a tanned skin looks, remember that it is your body’s way of protecting itself from UV damage.

            I personally prefer wearing an SPF on my face in the form of a powder, like a mineral makeup. The fewer steps for me to do in the morning the better and it’s also much nicer to reapply a powder throughout the day rather then glopping on a heavy sun cream. My favorite mineral makeup brand is called Colorescience. The pressed powders are a full coverage foundation and an SPF which is great for skin (like mine) that gets congested easily when using to many products, not to mention it gives your skin a radiant, youthful glow. This line was founded and created by Diane Ranger (who discovered mineral makeup). She is known to the industry as the mother of mineral makeup with over 30 years of experience in developing a wide variety of mineral products. Diane Ranger is my idol.

1 comment:

  1. Ah the price of beauty. Haha. Look good now, or look good later, that is the question.
