Monday 16 May 2011

Glycolic Facial Cleansers

            Cleansers that contain some form of acid (glycolic, Salicylic, Lactic etc.) can be very beneficial to your face and other problem areas on your body (acne on your back or chest, karatosis polaris-the little red bumps on the back of your arms). Using an exfoliating cleanser on a daily basis will help to keep your skin refine and clear from congestion. You will start to notice a more even complexion, and your skin will appear radiant and have a youthful glow to it . These cleansers are great for individuals concerned with pigmentation as they having brightening and lightening properties. Mature skin types really benefit from these as well because they contribute to an increase of cellular turnover. As we age, skin desquamation (the duration in which the outer layer of your skin sheds) slows down and needs a little help speeding up that process. It's great for acneac/congested skin types as long as it's not too sensitive and there are no open pustules or else this may become extremely irritating.  It also preps the skin and allows for better product penetration.

            We have a fantastic product line called Priori at my spa. We carry the Advanced AHA Cosmeceuticals and CoffeeBerry Natureceuticals. Both branches have cleansers that contain acids in them. From the Advanced AHA, a gentle facial cleanser that contains alpha hydroxy acids and a revitalizing cleanser from the CoffeeBerry that contains malic acid.  They are both very active and we have seen great results from them on our clients. I would say the Advanced AHA is geared more towards problematic skin and the revitalizing cleanser for those concerned with pigmentation who want to lighten/brighten their skin for a more even complexion. 

            Now not all skin types can tolerate an exfoliating cleanser. They can cause sensitivities if used incorrectly. The key is to start low and go slow. Start using it just in the evenings 3 days a week and then introduce an extra day each week that follows until you’re using it up to 7 days a week, both morning and night, but only if your skin can tolerate it. If you develop any irritation or sensitivity be sure to back off a little on frequency of use. You don't have to use exfoliating cleansers both morning and night, for most of my clients, usually once a day is plenty. 

            If you are using an exfoliating cleanser, SPF daily is an absolute must although should be wearing an SPF on a daily basis regardless. The acids eat away at your dead skin cells leaving the fresh new skin vulnerable to UV Damage. I prefer to use something like Colorescience, which is a mineral make up. They have an SPF 30 face powder, which is great because I hate putting too many layers of cream on my skin.

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