Monday, 13 February 2012

The Skin

I just attended a Dermalogica class tonight and it got me all excited about skin again. I often forget that as a consumer, you don't always understand what we are talking about and I just assume it's common knowledge. My apologies.

Here is a little science behind skin: 

Functions: Protection, sensation, heat regulation, storage and synthesis, excretion, absorption and water resistance. 

The skin is composed of 3 parts:
1.) Epidermis: Stratum Germinativum, Stratum Spinosum, Stratum, Granulosm, and Stratum Corneum. 
2.) Dermis
3.) Subcutis (Hypodermis)

     The Epidermis is the dead outer layer of skin. During facials we exfoliate this skin to create a nice smooth, refined texture as well as allow for better product penetration. This also encourages cellular turn over of new healthy cells which help to maintain your natural moisture barrier. 

     Between the Epidermis and the Dermis we have the dermal-epidermal junction. This supports and maintains the structure of the skin (adheres the dermis to the epidermis).  This is where our cells are produced and divide. One cell stays behind to go through mitosis while the other cell gets pushed up towards the skins surface. This process (called desquamation) usually take 28 - 50+ days. The younger we are, the faster the process. As we reach middle age our desquamation rate slows down dramatically. We need products such as exfoliants to help speed it up. 

     Our dermis is mainly composed of connective tissue: elastin fibres, collagen, capillaries, sweat glands, sebaceous glands and hair follicles. This portion of your skin is what gives it volume and tone. 

     The subcutis (or hypodermis) is not actually part of your skin but acts more of a cushion to protect it. Composed mainly of loose connective tissue and elastin (contains 50% of body fat).  Its purpose is to attach the skin to the underlying bone and muscle. 

Permeability is the ability for substances to penetrate or diffuse through the skin. 

I will write a new blog soon on which products penetrate to which layers of the skin and their effects :) 

Stay tuned...

Thursday, 2 February 2012

The 3 worst things you can do for your skin:

1.) Tanning - UV exposure slowly destroys the integrity of the skin's structure but you won't see the effects until later on in life. UVA and UVB rays breakdown collagen and elastin which is what gives your skin volume. Loss of volume contributes to loose, sagging skin & wrinkles.  Sun worshipers often end up with thicker, leathery skin (and lets not forget to mention their susceptibility to skin cancers) so be sure to wear your SPF daily, especially on your face :)

2.) Smoking cigarettes - This is straight up polluting your skin. Smoking causes narrowing of blood vessels and impaired blood flow to your skin can lead to a multitude of problems. Less oxygen and nutrients are able to reach it, the breakdown of collagen and elastin cause skin to sag and wrinkle, and smoking reduces antioxidants in your skin which play a vital role in fighting free radical damage.

3.) Using Soap instead of cleanser - You've heard it from me before and I'll tell you again... Soap is terrible for your skin! It strips your skin of it's natural moisture barrier (acid mantle) causing it to work overtime to try and replenish the lost oils. Soap has a fairly high pH, meaning it is slightly alkaline and alkaline skin creates a perfect breading ground for bacteria which can lead to pimples. Using a cleanser that is suited for your skin type will help to maintain homeostasis and decrease your potential for breakout and irritation.