What is Microdermabrasion you ask? It’s one of the more intensive methods of exfoliation (the removal of dead skin cells and debris on the surface of your skin). There are different types of micro, most commonly, crystals are passed along the surface of the skin with a suction hand piece which removes the dead skin cells. Your therapist can control how aggressive they want the settings based on your concerns and what’s best for your skin type. Micro can also be used in combination with peels for even more effective results.
Microdermabrasion can be used to treat a variety of skin concerns including exfoliation, acne scaring, age spots, fine lines and wrinkles, enlarged pores, stretch marks and hyperpigmentation. It also stimulates collagen production and cell turnover. Microdermabrasion will leave your skin feeling smooth and improve texture.
Personally I love microdermabrasion. It’s definitely one of those treatments that you will get addicted to. When treating a specific skin concern, like acne scarring or pigmentation for example, it’s best done in a series of 6 sessions 7 – 10 days apart for maximum results. You can have this treatment as your monthly facial but I say this treatment is great at the end of every season (this makes it a little more affordable as it can be rather expensive depending on your budget). Micro can be done anywhere on your body too…not just on your face. I have clients that come in for micro on their necks, chest, shoulders, back and even upper arms. I like to do this treatment after any hot tropical vacation. I find that my skin is usually congested from sunscreens and a little dull when I come back from a sunny vacation. Micro is a great way to get rid of all that ‘weathering’ your skin experienced (recirculated air on the flights, climate change, change in diet, alcohol consumption…all that fun stuff that tends to reflect on your skin).
For such an effective method of exfoliation, there is very little to no downtime for this treatment. Some pinkness may arise, but for the most part I find that by the time my clients leave any pink/redness in their skin has subsided.
So book in peeps! Summers almost here…let’s get your skin radiant and glowing for the season J